Tips from Alexis:
Writing is so important for school, work and your everyday tasks. Take this class seriously and take the time to learn what the professor has to teach you. I am an intern on the hill, and I can't count how many times my supervisor or communication director was impressed with a piece of writing because I followed AP style, or followed a piece of advice I learned in this class. IT WILL HELP YOU, SO PAY ATTENTION! Pay close attention to the assignment and mistakes that you make, don't continue to make the same mistakes. Apart of learning is recognizing mistakes and fixing them, luckily Professor Piacente gives you many opportunities to continue to grow as a student and writer. Grammar is super important, if you don't know it, learn it quick. Lastly, always ask for help if you need it. The professor knows and understands what you can be struggling with, he will help and walk you through something you just have to make the time and effort to meet with him or ask questions. Always read your work out loud and remember this quote by E.L. Doctorow "Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go."
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