Thursday, January 30, 2014

Third Class - Notes by Aliya Levinstein

  • Print Stories- past tense
  • Broadcasting- present tense
  • If you are starting a sentence with a number, spell it
  • Names- first time, use first and last name.  every other time, use last name only.  
    • Exception: when there are two people in the story with the same last name, define them by Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.
  • Do not change the quotation
  • How do you pick quotes out of many?
    • Unique
    • Said uniquely
  • Do not repeat information
  • Do not explain or analyze the quotes
  • Do not have to use all of the information
The Communications Stairs
  • INFORM (the focus of this class)
  • add logic to CONVINCE
  • add an emotional hook to INSPIRE
Writing Leads
  • Attributions are always preceded by a comma
  • 25 words or less
  • Include the 5 w's and the attribution
  • Not too specific
  • Watch clip of Shipping News
    • Find the center, or "beating heart" of the story
Homework for 2/6: Read chapters 6 and 14; Write leads (only) for p. 114, second, third, and fourth set of facts.

Posted by Aliya Levinstein

Friday, January 24, 2014

Second Class- Notes by Madison Moore

  • Current Events Discussion
    • Two toddlers were killed in MD during exorcism
    • How would you cover a story like this?
      • talk to officer in charge, make logical order in to a lead, try to interview people in area/ names of friends for future stories/leads
    • potential for follow up stories- one day stories v. details trailing out
      • example follow up for this story- mental illness/potential rise of mental illnesses
    • be on lookout for fair reporting
      • notice bias words

  • Headlines v. Titles
    • headline- captures point of story, has active verb

  • Branding
    • personal branding- presenting yourself how you want to be perceived
    • digital footprints make impressions last
    • ex: PR executive claimed she would not catch AIDS because she is white
      •  immediate fallout
    • ex: Seahawks player
      • perceived s angry, cocky, etc in initial interview but works to rebrand himself in follow ups
    • everyone must decide how they want to brand themselves
      • each named three adjectives about ourselves describing how we want to be perceived

  • State of the News Media
    • media is in the middle of changes
    • impact of cut backs in newsrooms
      • checks and balances out of whack

  • Grammar
    • refer to grammar handout throughout the semester
    • verb for attribution should always be said
      • everything else has possible other implications that can be misinterpreted by the public
    • Stephen King 'On Writing' handout

  • Review of last week's readings:
    • Chapter 1- exercises & good fundamental writing
    • Chapter 2- Writing Process
      • always start with leads- include the 5 W's and where/who the information is coming from
    • Chapter 3- grammar
    • Chapter 4- Style
      • AP Style
      • can refer to handout for most questions

  • Review of Last weeks leads
    • prioritizing the 5  W's in a lead
      • the attribution is not the most important part, want something to capture the public's attention and give them a sense of the story  immediately
    • Content in the lead v. the body of the story
      • lead should have most important, basic facts first
      • body should have other details but it is up to you to determine which details you should include
        • must recognize possible implications (ex: including Gail Baker's age/ career when reporting about how her baby died)

  • Homework for next week:
    • Read Ch. 5-7, 9, Do: P.12, 1.13 (brevity), 1.14, 1-5; P.63, 4.1 (AP Style / do in workbooks)
    • AP Style, Grammar and Current Events Quiz

Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Class - Notes by Katerina Papas

For the People P.S.A. for
-government spends 400K on commercial-- why? Important to get word out to the public. Media "return" in spending. 

Complaints about class:
-moves fast
-focus on print journalism
-odd deadlines (real journalism world!)
-goes off syllabus often

Trade Secrets Reading
-main lesson of article: you cant teach someone to write, you learn by doing it.

Important in news story
1) Unusual
2) Conflict
3) Immediacy
4) Impact
5) Prominance
6) Proximity

-25 words or less
-as many of the 5 W's as possible PLUS official source of attribution

Keep opinion out to withhold credibility with the "other side"

Read Washington Post Everyday
-Front Page
-Front page of Sports
-Front page of Metra
-Front page of Style

Friday, January 3, 2014

With Sen. Strom Thurmond

This is the class blog for the Spring Semester. One student per class will be assigned to capture and post notes for the night. All students should check in here to review the notes, and all are encouraged to make additions, ask questions, or make comments. Below this post you will find advice from former students on how to succeed in Writing for Communication.