Friday, October 26, 2012


By Kelsey Granlund

Crisis Communications

How to correctly respond to anything that is deemed a “crisis” to the media and general population is critical. Advance planning and brainstorming is necessary before going out and addressing the public to avoid any sense of a cover up or a bad imagine. Remember the video in class of the Exxon CEO? That was pretty bad communication. Here’s the checklist of key points to remember about crisis communication:

-       Break your own bad news first.
-       Be aware of all the fact before speaking
-       Have a strategy for each audience
-       Develop factual message that are understood by everyone
-       Don’t neglect the employees, it doesn’t look good to have your own employees find out the bad news through the media.
-       Discuss the solution to the problem and how it will be done quickly and as openly as possible. Being honest is key, if anything is hidden it will be discovered and it will destroy a reputation.
-       Use all tools at your disposal such as a web site, public relations service, and social media.
-       Be consistence in communicating with the general public.
-       Learn from experience and always plan for future scenarios

We also had a guest speaker for a half of the class, Danielle Piacente, who is PR manager for the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC. She gave us a good insight on what I was like to work for PR for a good event.

-       Have a sort of “cheat sheet” with you that helps keep everything in order so you don’t forget a certain event or such.
-       Be sure to not delay in getting information to someone who needs it.
-       Be creative in how to promote an event and having certain back up plans in case of a problem.

Write the press release for the polar bear story and email it in by Sunday at 12:00
Do exercise #3 on the same hand out

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