Friday, October 12, 2012

Notes from Seventh Class

 October 11, 2012
By Haley Holtzscher

1.     Bring completed press release in electronic form to be shown in class (the 19th)
2.     Find an example of a company or someone (celebrity, sports person, government official) that took a hit of bad publicity and assess how they responded in a half-page analysis. Recall the KitchenAid example as reference.

Weekly news quiz was taken
Midterm was administered (5:45-7:20)

Topic: PR (public relations)
1.     Unintentionally Funny Headlines
2.     Press Release Formatting Guide
3.     PR Homework Fact Sheet
·      Representing a person with a point of view (biased)
·      Advocates action
·      Encourages loyalty
·      Powers of persuasion
·      Serves the client

Ultimate goal: good press, make the client happy
·      Fair to both sides
·      Values independence
·      Avoids taking sides
·      Passive
·      Serves the public

Ultimate goal: to inform the public

PR representatives communicate via many different sources/outlets:
            Newsletters, speeches, releases
*All press releases MUST have a headline and an active verb in the headline*

Embargo: when the press can publish information
            Ex. “For media release” or “Embargo until [insert date]”
We v. they
            As a PR rep, you are part of the group you are working with
Bad background info: Where does it belong? Does it belong?
Bottom line: leave the bad information out but be prepared for a press conference

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