Friday, March 10, 2017

3/8 Class

                  At the start of class, Professor Piacente asked us all to join the Skimm, which provides daily summaries of important news events. Everyone should have received an email invite to join, but it can also be found here.
                  He recommended anyone who has not already read the broadcast chapter, do so before next class. He also reminded us that broadcast journalism is in the present tense, while news articles are past tense.
                  Professor Piacente suggested that we all go back and read over blog posts from previous classes. These posts could contain useful information about the class, but this is not a mandatory assignment.
                  He also reviewed the section of the syllabus relating to missed assignments and said that he wanted to meet with everyone in the class, but that it was our responsibility to set up a meeting.

Then the class discussed the news articles we found for homework, that we felt violated the Journalist’s Code of Ethics . Our other homework was collected at the end of class.
                  We were then split into groups of 2-3. Case studies dealing with real ethical dilemmas in journalism were assigned to each group. After the groups had fifteen minutes to examine and discuss their study, each presented their case study and their decision to publish the story or not. The class debated the merits of each decision, and pointed out additional ethical concerns. Professor Piacente told us the outcome of each case a the end of class.
Homework according to the syllabus
                  Bring in a powerful feature/be prepared to discuss it

posted by Laila Rosenthal

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