Monday, September 8, 2014

Alex Beall: Class Writing Instructor

The writing coach for the WFC classes this semester is Alex Beall. She is part of the BA/MA program in journalism, and took Writing for Communication as an undergraduate. 

Alex is originally from Southern California, but moved to D.C. for undergraduate school at AU. During her four years as a print journalism major, she completed five different internships, including ones at PBS, WTOP and USA Today. 

She is now on the international journalism track in AU's graduate program while working part-time as a news assistant at WMAL Radio. In the future, she would like to tell feature stories using multi-platform story-telling; that is, writing while also using video, audio and photography. 

Alex will have office hours from 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays in Room 305, which is the round conference room on the the third floor of McKinley. Her email address is:

She can assist students seeking extra help with grammar, AP style rules or writing. 

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