Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Class Notes 1/28/2019
By Henri Brink

Action Items
·      Grammar Quiz next week
·      Current Events Quiz next week
·      Class Blog is due at 5pm every Tuesday

Big Lessons
·      Get to the point right away- big takeaway for the class
o   Five Ws and the “leads” and attribution
o   Always answer two questions from the reader’s point of view:
§  1 – Why does it matter?
§  2 – Why should I care?
·      At no point in this semester should you include personal feelings in your stories, or any words or phrases that suggest how you feel
o   Our purpose is to report fairly and in an unbiased fashion the facts of a situation
o   The prof should not be able to tell how you feel about a subject based on what you write
·      Being objective is impossible; every decision is subjective
o   Our goal, then, is to be fair
·      Anything assigned in class supersedes what is assigned on the syllabus
·      Leads will be 25 words or less and contain as many of the 5 Ws as possible
o   Put the most important information first by prioritizing the 5 Ws
·      You cannot put yourself in the story
o   Full attribution on the first citation. After that, you don’t need to reference the exact source every time, unless it is a new
·      Top 10 mistakes sheet
o   Handed out in class, very important document to reference and understand

Washington Post
·      We need to read the section fronts of the A section of the Post
o   Also read the section fronts for metro, style and sports
o   Study tip: Make a list of the major headlines as you read the paper

Writing the News
·      Be concise: Go for the three words
o   The easiest, simplest way to get information to the reader
·      No headlines for our stories throughout the semester (until we get to PR)
·      Attribution
o   Information from an official source
o   ALL stories require attribution
·      “Luckily”
o   Opinion word
o   Do not use opinion words
·      AP Style
o   All stories need to be written in AP style
o   Five-minute stylebook gives you a crash course

·      Starts at approx. 5:35
o   Make sure to get to class on time in order to take the quiz with the rest of the class

Homework Assignments
·      Read ch. 5-7 in Writing for Mass Media
·      Do pg. 11 assignments 1.13 and 1.14 1-5
·      Do pg. 63 assignment 4.1
·      Write top three takeaways for each chapter
·      Read three articles by Michele Davis and prepare two questions about the reading
·      Review assignments from last week

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