Friday, March 9, 2018

By Liam Gilpin
Writing for PR- 3/5/18
·      When it comes to specificity in PR, there is more weight if you have good attributions. Example: Attribution from a specialist.
·      Emotion is allowed in PR, but not journalism.
·      Credibility is like the family fortune, once it’s gone, it’s difficult to get back.
·      For PR, try to imagine the audience. Ultimately, your audience is the people who sign your checks. Your PR has to cross the first hurdle, your boss, before appeasing your readers.
·      Remember to follow AP-Style for PR releases, or it will end up in the trash.
·      Remember to include a verb in your headline.
·      Your job as a Public Relations consultant is to defend your client and make them look good.
Writing and Grammar
·      Using too many words may result in confusion from the reader and a dilution of your argument.

Subject-Verb Agreement
·      Single Subject- Single Verb
·      Plural Subject- Plural Verb
Active vs. Passive Voice
·      Active Voice- The subject of the sentence performs the action named by the verb.
·       Active Voice must be used for everything in this class, do not used passive voice unless it is in a quote.
Parallel Structure
·      Wrong- He enjoys traveling, cooking and to paint.
·      Right- He enjoys traveling, cooking and painting.
Tips for Proofreading-
·      Take a break and come back.
·      Confirm all facts, figures and proper names.
·      Don’t multitask.
·      Use spellcheck but do not depend on it entirely.
·      Read your writing aloud.
·      Print out and proof a hard copy.
·      Know your weaknesses.
·      Don’t be afraid to get help from others.
Extra Credit due on the 19th-
·      Create a practice story from any new source from the textbook or a source from the groom death or failed murder-suicide story. Any story worth a B or higher will improve your average.

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